About Us

At Nordic Ski Lab, our goal is to make classic and skate skiing techniques easier to understand and learn. We focus on the efficient, graceful skiing used by competitive athletes and help skiers improve both technique and fitness.

Using slow-motion video, we break down the movements of top skiers, explain what matters and why, and create drills and cues that help you ski faster—and enjoy it more.

Our training plans combine fitness and technique, with options for self-guided programs or support from a coach for structure, feedback and accountability.

We also host a private forum where skiers and coaches from around the world share helpful, friendly conversations.

What we offer

  • Video Membership – Access to our complete library of technique videos and the private member forum. Perfect for visual learners who want to understand and apply elite skiing techniques.
  • Training Plans – Short-term race preparation or year-round programs for self-sufficient skiers who want structured guidance without coaching support. All delivered virtually to fit your schedule.
  • Training Club Membership – Our most comprehensive option includes full video library access, a year-round training plan, plus virtual coaching support and accountability to help you balance improvement with life’s realities.

Founded in 2016 by Canadian cross-country ski coaches, Nordic Ski Lab is based in Western Canada, in the Calgary–Canmore region. Most of our videos are filmed at the Canmore Nordic Centre and feature a variety of athletes, including Olympians and World Cup medalists.

Our Team

President & Founder
Head Coach, Training Club
Founding Athlete
Physiologist, Training Club
Demo Athlete
Demo Athlete, Consulting Coach
Online Coach
Demo Athlete
Demo Athlete
Demo Athlete
Guest Athlete
Guest Athlete