Cold Snap Special!

No Credit Card, Offer Expires Jan 31

2 Week Free Trial

Join Nordic Ski Lab
today to access all our videos.


Best for short-term access, like ski holidays.

$30 USD *

Best Value


$39 USD / YEAR *


Save More


(For additional information, please read the FAQs)

* Currency & Taxes

Prices are in USD to align with our overheads and accommodate our international customer base. Canadians pay 5% GST. Check the exchange rate.

Refund Policy

One Month Memberships are non-refundable. Annual Subscriptions have a 2 week money back guarantee. Contact us for refunds.


Annual Subscriptions auto-renew on date of purchase. One Month Memberships are fixed term.
Annual subscribers receive 2 email reminders prior to renewal with simple instructions for cancellation.
You can cancel anytime and continue to access the website until the end of your full membership term.

Access All Content

Annual and One Month members have access to the entire video collection (more than 100 videos). We enjoy making new courses and plan to continually add new courses, but we also reserve the right to stop adding new content at any time.

Gift Memberships

You can buy a gift membership using the "sign up" links above. There's an "is this a gift" checkbox on the registration form. Gift memberships do not auto-renew.

Too Expensive?

We priced the membership as low as possible, but we recognize that price will still be a barrier to some people. If you are in financial need and can't afford a subscription, please contact us and we will find a way to help you.

Technique Analysis

As a member of Nordic Ski Lab, you may submit video of yourself skiing for feedback on your technique. Your feedback is shared within the membership community and we own all rights to the analyzed video.
There is no extra fee for this service, but we do not guarantee we'll get to every submission.

Sharing Memberships

Family members living together may share a membership, with up to 3 devices logged in simultaneously, from any location.
Sharing a membership with individuals outside of your immediate family, including roommates or people outside your household, is not allowed and will result in cancellation of the service without refund.
We are skiers and coaches like you. Running this website is expensive. Please respect this policy and do not share your login information.

Payments and Credit Card Data

Payments and credit card information are managed by third parties. We don't have access to your credit card information, nor do we store it.

Group Rates

Groups of 10 or more enjoy discounted rates. Read more about our group rates here.

More Questions?

Contact us.