Do you watch ski racing? Have your noticed a skier in a downhill tuck grab onto the pole of the skier in front? Learn when and how that’s done and then try it next time you go skiing.
Challenge yourself with step turn variations! How many ways can you modify your step turn? We provide about 9 variations, and you can probably invent even more.
This video explains a range of helpful strategies for skiing in the classic tracks around downhill corners, from beginner strategies all the way up to how the pros tuck in the classic tracks around higher speed and/or tighter turns.
Better understand your options for navigating turns, especially downhill turns. Find the line that helps you ski smoothly and safely around downhill turns, with minimum loss of speed and the better positioning on the trail
This video breaks down nordic downhill techniques into 6 types and explains body position, braking, turning and maximizing speed. An excellent “big picture” overview for new skiers.
Move from one classic ski track to another with smooth and powerful pushes. Slow mo demos for double pole, diagonal stride and kick double pole lane changes.
This video uses footage from the 2017 Canadian National Championships around a sweeping, high speed downhill turn to discuss various factors to consider when strategizing about the best way to take downhill turns in races.
Best for experienced skiers. A “Drop Step” is an aggressive sub-style of step turning that involves jumping from ski to ski around the arc of a turn, with a characteristic backwards kick of the inside ski.
Step turning is a cornering technique used in both skate and classic skiing. Learn to step turn on the flats and downhills. Improve your agility, balance and coordination practicing this fun and important technique.