Join the Training Club and enjoy a premium online training program at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one coaching.
“The start has been great. Some accountability is VERY good for me. I am noticing a lot of zone 1 & 2 in the plan. I am trying to really follow the recommendations in the videos and have realized I spend way too much time in what I would guess is zone 3 on my easy days. It is nice not to feel wrecked after exercising!”
“Week 6. On the 10″ sprint day and flatter course, it was a new sensation to feel my legs churning as fast as I could go! I know I’m making progress. Yay! I am so happy to have a schedule of planned workouts, and I am surprised how motivating an online community of fellow training club members can be. Thank you.”
“Overall analysis of the week: apparently I love intervals!! I am thoroughly enjoying having a plan to follow and I’m feeling pretty good despite the increase in activity – recovery seems to be reasonably fast and I’m always ready to go by the next day, although I do appreciate the rest day. I really like to spend as much time as possible outside and it’s been fun having something to focus on while I’m out there. Thumbs up so far! :+1:”
“This week was able to complete the long workout and long intervals. It has been more than a year since I have been doing 2 hour runs or 45 minutes of intensity. It feels good to be able to still complete these. Following the training plan is helping me justify the longer workouts. Prior to following this training plan, I would say I only have time for a one-hour workout.”
“My goal is to be as fit as possible during my 3rd act – I’m 71 and am semi-retired with full retirement coming up in the next 6 to 12 months. I am clearly developing more endurance, am able to go longer with less fatigue, although not able to complete 6 days in a row at this point. Am definitely sleeping better and feel like my digestion is improved as well.”
“A huge thank you for creating the NSL Training Club! I’ve been waiting for something like this for ages! The Training Club is the perfect fit for me! Dasha – now you’re in my head motivating me to get that next workout in! I love your friendly spirit and always look forward to your videos! Alex – I really appreciate your expertise when crafting our purpose-based training plans! The last Office Hours hangout was awesome! I’ve been using Georgie Fear’s Racing Weight Cookbook for many years now, so it was a real treat to see her in a video! I was in decent shape before I started the NSL Training Club, but my training consistency wasn’t so great. The last few months have been incredible! I forgot what a huge impact exercise can have on our bodies and well-being!”
“I am genuinely surprised and delighted that despite my busy work/kids schedule, doing this program has helped me increase from my prior exercise routine (4-5 days of regular cardio 30-45 min a week and very inconsistent strength training) to doing everything on the training plan calendar. It feels fantastic. Even though I felt like I was in shape last winter, I do think there has been some magic to this training.”
“I really appreciate the encouragement and accountability as well as the training plan specifics. My habits are definitely changing! It is a stretch for me to be trying to do this right now with work/family obligations but I love it and consider it the thing I do for myself.”
“Just a quick note to put in another good word and a thank you for all these protocols and workouts. I went skate skiing yesterday and for first time, everything seemed to click. My form and timing fell into place, my economy was better and my fitness overall was stronger. That led to confidence, more speed and power, and a much longer ski than I anticipated. I had another hour or two in me, and much of the skiing had been on the uphills, including my 10-seconds speeds. I still have a ton to master, but I have never felt better on skate skis. Finally!”
Watch the video to learn how the Training Club works.
Coach Dasha, 2x Olympian and World Cup medalist, integrates technique cues and drill videos directly into the training plan.
She hosts regular technique workshops, answering questions, analyzing videos and sharing insights and racing tips from her extensive experience on the World Cup and years spent coaching masters athletes.
Coach Dasha Atkin (née Gaiazova), in her glory days.
Accountability postcard, mailed in your Welcome Package
Part accountability system and part incentive program, our innovative Progress Rewards Program will keep you motivated, engaged, and achieving your goals. Join a program you will actually do!
Fully transform your technique and fitness with top quality training plans plus ongoing instruction and support. Have more questions? Read the FAQs.
$95 $75 USD
Enjoy maximum flexibility – cancel any time if your circumstances change.
On Sale until November 1!
Prices are in USD to align with our overheads and accommodate our international customer base. Canadians pay 5% GST.
Does a Training Club membership include access to all the same content as a regular membership?
Yes. Nordic Ski Lab has 2 membership levels: Core and Training Club. The Core Membership includes access to all videos and the Community Forum. The Training Club Membership includes all that, plus a professional training plan, expert ski instruction via additional video workshops, technique drills and cues integrated into the training plan, plus Coach support and accountability with our Awards Program and peer interaction in the Forum.
I already have a “Core” Nordic Ski Lab Membership. Can I get a refund if I join the Training Club?
If your payment was made within the last 30 days, please email us for a refund. Otherwise, there are no refunds because the prorated, per month cost of a Core Membership is nominal and credit card transaction fees are high.
What is the refund policy for Training Club memberships?
TIP: If you are worried that you won’t enjoy the program or might get sick or injured, please opt for the monthly option for maximum flexibility.
Will my price increase?
Your price will remain the same as long as your maintain your subscription. If you cancel and want to rejoin but the price has increased, you will need to pay the new price to rejoin.
Can I pause my membership?
Generally no, but in special circumstances, like short term illness or injury, we will try to help. Please contact us.
Are there team discounts?
Sorry, but no.
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes, you can cancel with a click from your account page. Your membership continues until the expiry date.
I already pay for a TrainingPeaks Premium subscription. Can I get a credit?
Unfortunately no, but as soon as your current subscription expires we will take over payments for as long as you are a Training Club member.
I only want [the training plan], [the technique instruction], [the Progress Awards Program}. Can I pay less?
The 3 parts of the Training Club program (the training plan, the technique instruction and the progress awards system) are integrated. They are designed to complement each other and add up to something more than the individual parts.
Am I healthy enough to train?
Great question! The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) is an great place to start. Use the PAR-Q form to assess yourself and follow up with your doctor. If you have any doubts or concerns, please see your doctor.
What is TrainingPeaks and do I have to use it?
TrainingPeaks is an app that is popular with endurance athletes and coaches. It’s used for managing training plans and tracking workouts and training metrics. It offers an excellent user experience and is compatible with hundreds of fitness devices.
The connection between the Nordic Ski Lab and TrainingPeaks is seamless.
Training Club members automatically join our coaching account at no extra charge. That’s where you’ll find your training plan. We cover the cost of upgrading your account to Premium.
I already have a TrainingPeaks Premium subscription. Can I get a credit towards my Training Club membership?
Unfortunately no, but as soon as your current subscription expires we will take over payments for as long as you are a Training Club member.
Do I need equipment?
The strength workouts require equipment. If you have a well equipped home gym or gym membership, you should be fine.The equipment required for the workout is noted in the description of each strength workout.
Do I need an internet connection to watch the exercise and drill videos?
Do I need an internet connection to see the workouts?
If you download the TrainingPeaks app to your phone, you will not need internet to view your workouts.
Can I use the training plan for a masters’ ski group that I coach?
We don’t sell the plan to coaches for their own use. Your best option is to join the program as an athlete and follow the plan to improve your own fitness and technique, then apply what you learn to the program you coach.
You can run workouts in real life based on the plan but you cannot share digital copies of workouts with your athletes. All technique videos embedded in workouts are behind a paywall and require individuals to have their own subscription.
Please remember that it goes against our terms of service to share login information and will result in termination of service without refund. Where necessary, we will take legal action to protect our business and our IP.
Is there an Annual Training Plan and can I see it?
The monthly training plan is built off an annual plan that is optimized for cross-country skiers. The annual plan is proprietary and is not available to the public.
Who is this plan for?
The training plan is designed for masters level skiers of any age or fitness level. It is flexible and easy to customize. Anyone who is interested in getting fitter and improving their technique can benefit from the plan, whether they intend to race or not.
Is this program only for serious racers? Do I have to race?
Racing is optional and how seriously you train is up to you. You can definitely scale back the plan and train less frequently. The plan is designed to be flexible! We are here to help you achieve your goals, but they are your goals, not ours.
Can we meet in real life?
We would love to meet up in real life!
We plan to be on site for the 2025 S2S race, located in British Columbia, Canada and we will organize activities for Club members to connect and socialize. We don’t currently have plans to host on snow events ourselves as that is a much bigger undertaking.
We may consider other events, such as the 2025 American Birkie.
Can I use the plan to peak for XXX ski race?
The program is designed for peak performance during the cross-country ski season (winter in the Northern hemisphere), but once you are onboard and training regularly, you’ll be in peak form and race ready any time of year.
Can I submit a video of myself skiing for feedback?
Yes, both Core Members and Training Club Members can submit video for feedback, but the service is not guaranteed. The videos have to be of high enough quality for us to give meaningful feedback. Training Club member videos take priority over Core Member videos, but video quality is a key determinant. We provide clear instructions to help you take better videos for technique analysis.
How can I get help from the coach?
There are multiple channels to connect with us. There’s a private forum area for Training Club members. The Head Coach and Physiologist will host live office hours every other Sunday at 4 pm MST. We will adjust communications options and schedules to respond to member needs as we go.
What are technique workshops?
Coach Dasha will post video technique workshops on an ongoing basis. Probably bi-weekly in the winter and monthly in the summer. Recordings will be available to Training Club members.
How does the Progress Awards Program work?
Engagement and consistency are key to your success and our accountability program really stands out. Accountability to other people helps you be accountable to yourself.
Year 1 is divided into 4 three month phases. Each phase has a theme and requires the member to achieve goals. Goals are things like keeping a training diary (required), consistently completing workouts and group challenges and supporting other club members. At the end of each phase you can submit a report showing your progress. Once approved, you’ll earn an award, like a free tee shirt.
How does this compare to in-person coaching?
A key advantage of the Training Club is the division between time spent learning and time spent practicing. Learning time is at home, at your own pace, using slow motion videos of outstanding skiers to create a perfect mental model of what you are aiming for. On-snow time is spent skiing, honing your skills and improving your fitness.
For feedback, you can submit video to us, or team up with a ski buddy and join the Training Club together. You will know the same workouts and drills, and what to look for in each other’s technique. Teaching one another will make you better skiers.
Does this program work for teams?
Nordic Ski Lab’s Training Club excels at delivering a premium training experience to individuals seeking expert coaching and professional training plans without the high cost of one-on-one coaching. That’s the primary purpose of the Training Club, but a small team of skiers can use the service to self-organize and coordinate a high quality group training experience, with or without a coach.
Using the Training Club as a team has several advantages:
Nordic Ski Lab is a member-supported online platform and global community for skate and classic cross-country skiing enthusiasts and coaches.