Upload Your Video for Technique Feedback

How to Submit Video for Technique Analysis

Technique analysis for members is free, but we don’t guarantee we’ll review every video submitted. Analyzed videos are shared in the Member Video Library.

Step 1: Take Quality Video 

The better quality your video, the more likely we will select it for analysis. Please do not submit video taken at night.

Things we like:

  • A long shot that includes a near-perfect side angle shot,
  • The skier’s clothing contrasts with the background,
  • The camera is held steady,
    Phone cameras are held horizontal, and
  • The video is less than 1 minute.

If you need more help with taking video, watch this tutorial.

Step 2: Upload your video to YouTube (mandatory) 

How to upload your video to YouTube.

Step 3: Fill out the submission form

Use this form to submit video for the free, communal technique analysis option.

Upload Your Video for Technique Feedback

How to Submit Video for Technique Analysis

Technique analysis for members is free, but we don’t guarantee we’ll review every video submitted. Analyzed videos are shared in the Member Video Library.

Step 1: Take Quality Video 

The better quality your video, the more likely we will select it for analysis. Please do not submit video taken at night.

Things we like:

  • A long shot that includes a near-perfect side angle shot,
  • The skier’s clothing contrasts with the background,
  • The camera is held steady,
    Phone cameras are held horizontal, and
  • The video is less than 1 minute.

If you need more help with taking video, watch this tutorial.

Step 2: Upload your video to YouTube (mandatory) 

How to upload your video to YouTube.

Step 3: Fill out the submission form

Use this form to submit video for the free, communal technique analysis option.