Price-related questions are answered on the pricing page

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General Questions

Nordic Ski Lab members are a mix of coaches, master’s level athletes, beginner skiers, youth athletes and their parents. You don’t have to be a coach or a particular level of skier to benefit from our videos.

Nordic Ski Lab members:

  • Share an interest in “competition-style” skate and classic skiing, meaning the graceful and highly efficient techniques used by competitive skiers.
  • Enjoy video-based learning.
  • Are thinking skiers, who enjoy nuanced discussions about ski technique.

Nordic Ski Lab is a completely different experience. There’s no standing around in the cold while a coach talks. You can watch videos as many times as you like. Slow motion videos are especially powerful and cannot be matched by in-person lessons. Many of our members experience rapid improvement. Please read the reviews to learn more.

No. Please respect our copyrights.

Family members living together may share a membership, with up to 3 devices logged in simultaneously, from any location.
Sharing a membership with individuals outside of your immediate family, including roommates or people outside your household, is not allowed and will result in cancellation of the service without refund.
We are skiers and coaches like you. Running this website is expensive. Please respect this policy and do not share your login information.

We enjoy making new videos and updating and improving the site, but we don’t follow a schedule for releasing new content and we reserve right to stop adding new content at any time.

Please explore the links in the left sidebar menu to get a sense of the variety of videos available.

Most videos have closed captions, English only at this time. Most are autogenerated, not human corrected.

For Coaches

We don’t pretend to have all the answers. We look to competitive skiers to better understand how to make our techniques more efficient. Ski techniques evolve, as does our thinking. 

There are many different ways to enjoy the sport of cross-country skiing. “Competition-style” is our favourite.

Not likely.

Hard to say. Our coach members enjoy the chance to see how other coaches interpret technique and explain different drills and ideas. They integrate our ideas into their own and come up with something that works for them.

No. The person in the video has to sign off permission for us to use the video. This is all done electronically and assumes the account holder is the person in the video (or at least a member of the same household).

No, please don’t do that. We are coaches just like you and Nordic Ski Lab is expensive to operate.

Encourage your team to buy a membership. It’s incredibly affordable and we even offer group rates (10 or more memberships).

You are welcome to show our videos to your athletes provided you are present at the time. Please respect the privacy of Nordic Ski Lab members and do not show the member technique analysis videos to non-members. When showing our videos, please give us credit and encourage others to buy their own membership.

Please don’t share your login with your athletes or their parents. Thanks!

Often parents with little skiing experience are recruited by ski clubs to coach the youngest skiers. If you fall into that category and are looking for simple information and quick drills, Nordic Ski Lab may be too much for you.

Nordic Ski Lab is best for people who have a passion for the sport and a keen interest in ski technique.

Our collection of on-snow games to play with children is completely open-access, for the benefit of young skiers and their coaches everywhere. The videos are available in English or French.

Training Plan Questions

Standalone Plans

Designed for skiers preparing for a specific race or event, these plans range from 8 to 16 weeks and are structured to help you peak at the right time. Ideal if you have a set goal and a clear timeline. No coaching support.

Year Round Training Plan

Best for year round fitness, training and performance. Monthly or annual membership options. Best for independent skiers who do not need assistance with their training or training plan.

Year Round Training Plan with coaching support and accountability

For skiers who want coaching support, extra technique help and accountability—without the cost of 1-on-1 coaching.

Is this online only?

Yes, the training plans are online and we don’t train together in real life.

Am I healthy enough to train?

Great question! The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) is an great place to start. Use the PAR-Q form to assess yourself and follow up with your doctor. If you have any doubts or concerns, please see your doctor.

Do I have to [run], [have snow] etc?

No – one of the best features of these plans is their flexibility with workout modes. Here’s what you can do for workouts:

Main workouts can be done as:

  • Skiing (on snow or roller skis)
  • Ski striding/walking
  • Running
  • Using a ski erg
  • Cycling
  • Other cardio equipment

The plan provides multiple workout options for each training session, so you can choose what works best based on:

  • Weather conditions
  • Equipment available
  • Your preferences
  • Time constraints

The only requirement is that you follow the prescribed intensity/effort levels for each workout, regardless of which mode you choose.

Do I need equipment?

The strength workouts require equipment. If you have a well equipped home gym or gym membership, you should be fine. The equipment required for the workout is noted in the description of each strength workout.

Do I need an internet connection to watch the exercise and drill videos?


Do I need an internet connection to see the workouts?

If you download the TrainingPeaks app to your phone, you will not need internet to view your workouts.

How do I customize my plan? How long does it take?

Our plans offer a rich selection of workouts and optional extras, allowing you to fully customize your schedule. To tailor the plan to your needs, you’ll need to make small edits—usually at the start of each week. This takes just a few minutes to remove unneeded workouts or move them around.

We provide step-by-step tutorials to guide you through the process. While there’s a slight learning curve, most members find it becomes second nature and takes less than a minute per week.

Who are these plans for?

The training plan is designed for masters level skiers of any age or fitness level. Key workouts have options to accommodate differing needs and abilities. You simply delete the workouts that you don’t need.

Do I have to use the TrainingPeaks app?


Can I use the plan on a different training app?

No. The plans are sold and delivered through TrainingPeaks.

Will the workouts synch with my fitness watch/wearable?

TrainingPeaks is compatible with hundreds of devices, mobile apps, and 3rd party Software. Please refer to the TP Help Centre for information on how the app works with your device or any other issues you may have with the app.

Is there an extra cost to use the TrainingPeaks app?

TrainingPeaks App Options:

  1. Basic (Free):
  • Can view and follow the training plan
  • Basic tracking features
  • Cannot move workouts around
  1. Premium (Paid):
  • Full customization – can move workouts to fit your schedule
  • Advanced tracking and analysis
  • Costs extra unless you’re a Training Club member

Your choices:

  • Use the free version: Works fine but less flexible
  • Buy Premium: More features but extra cost
  • Join Training Club: Includes Premium subscription at no extra charge, plus expert coaching and support.

The bottom line: You can use the free version, but Premium makes the plan much easier to customize to your schedule. If you’re considering Premium, it’s worth looking at the Training Club – you’ll get all the benefits of Premium plus personalized coaching to help you make the most of your plan.

Refund policies vary between memberships and plans. Please refer to the pricing FAQs on the bottom of the Pricing Page.

Training Club Questions

Please refer to the Training Club page for more information.

Still have questions? Contact us.