Circuit Training Exercises

Table of Contents

Important! Link to Supplemental Video Library with demonstrations of various exercises.

Circuit training will be 2-3 sets of 12 exercises of your choice. Each exercise should be executed for 45 seconds with a 15 second break. This means you should be starting a different exercise every minute.

If you choose an exercise which is difficult to maintain for the full 45 seconds (i.e. pullups) then simply do as much as you can within the 45 seconds.

When choosing exercises for your circuit, try to have an even mix of core, lower and upper body exercises. If you wish to target certain areas more than others, then go ahead and have an upper or lower body focus, but still make sure to get a bit of everything within your circuit.

The recommended timing and reps in the tables below is for doing shorter core circuits at the end of another workout. The idea for this is to pick 3-5 exercises for 2-3 sets and execute the exercise for the timing/reps recommended.

If an exercise is easy, add more reps or more time. For shorter core workouts, try to stick to a higher proportion of core exercises than lower or upper body exercises. If you wish, you can do 3-5 different exercises for each set.

View video demonstrations of most (but not all) of these exercises in the Supplemental Video Library.

No Equipment #

ExerciseTiming/repsEasy Hard
CoreFront plank30secFrom kneesFrom feet
From elbows
CoreSide plank30 sec/sideFrom knee
From hand
From feet
From elbow
Lateral hip raises 
CoreDead Bug30secLower one leg at a timeLower both legs same time
Lower arms in time with legs
Hold light weights
CoreCrunches20 repsFeet on ground, knees bentFeet elevated, knees at 90 degrees
CoreMountain Climbers30secFeet on towel or sliding disc
CoreInch worms10 repsLower to extended  plank positionLower to push up position
CoreBear crawls30sec
CoreBack extensions30secHold weight in hands
CoreLeg raises30secKnees bent
Half range of motion
Legs straight
Full range of motion
CoreHip Raises15 repsElastic band around kneesOne foot elevated (single leg raises)
CoreClamshells15 repsElastic band around knees
CoreV-hold30secFeet lightly touch ground with knees bentHold weight
Progression to hollow body hold or Russian Twists
CoreRows/V-Ups15 repsRows (knees are bent)V-Ups straight legs and arms
CoreBird Dogs30 sec/side
CoreHeel Taps30 sec
CoreBicycle Crunches
Lower BodySingle-leg split squats15 reps/legHolding some form of weight
Lower BodyLateral lunges15 reps/legHolding some form of weight
Lower BodyLateral Jumps30sec
Lower BodyPistol squats5 reps/legFrom chair
From step or balance beam
No assists/full range of motion
Lower BodyStep-Ups15 reps/legHolding weights
Lower BodyHamstring Curls Towel5-10 reps/legOne leg elevated
Upper BodyPull Ups6-10 repsOr whatever you can doUse elastic to assist pulling up
Start at top and slowly lower yourself down (eccentric)
Body weight
Weighted pull ups
Upper BodyPush-ups30secFrom kneesFrom feet
Upper BodyDips15-30 repsFeet on ground bent knees
Feet on ground straight legs
Feet elevated

With Equipment #

Exercise Ball/ KettleBells/ Dumbbells/ Elastics Modifications
ExerciseTiming/repsEasy Hard
CoreFront plank with feet on exercise ball30secHold front plankKnees to chest with feet on ball
Knees to chest and rotate side to side feet on ball
CoreStir-the-pot (exercise ball)30secKnees on groundFeet on ground
CoreRussian Twist (weights)30 repsFeet on groundFeet elevated
CoreCrunches (exercise ball)
CoreCross-band lateral walks (elastics)15/side
CorePallof press (elastics)15/sideRaise straightened arms above head
CoreFront Plank on hands (weight)30secMove weight from one side to another, ensure hips are stable
Upper BodyBicep curls (weights)10-15 reps/arm
Upper BodyBent over rows (weights)10-15 reps/arm
Upper BodySkull Crushers (weights)10-15 reps/armLegs elevated to 90 degrees
Upper BodyKettlebell press (kettlebell)10-15 reps/arm
Lower BodySingle leg romanian deadlifts (weights)8-10 reps/leg
Lower BodySplit squats (weights)8-10 reps/leg
Lower BodyKettlebell swings (kettlebell)20 repsSwing kettlebell between legsAdd rotation by swinging kettlebell to left and right side
Lower BodyGoblet squats (kettlebell)10-15 reps
Lower BodyStep-ups (weights)10-15 reps/leg