Day 5 – Zone 1

We saved the best for last

You are a rare breed! Most people will not successfully complete this challenge, so congratulations on getting this far. Well done!

It’s the final day of the 5 Day Challenge and we saved the most enjoyable workout for last!

But first a bit of housekeeping…

We designed this challenge as a learning experience. It is not a training plan for use on an ongoing basis.

If you want to follow a professionally designed training plan with structured workouts to maximize your fitness and performance, your best bet is the Nordic Ski Lab Training Club.

The NSL Training Club is a one of a kind program that delivers a premium experience at a fraction of the price of one-on-one coaching.

Our training plan is top notch and includes lots of video instruction, but what really sets us apart is the interaction, support and accountability we deliver. If you want a program that you will actually do and succeed at, the Training Club is for you!

Workout Instructions

DAY 5:

Head out of the door for a steady pace Zone 1 distance workout. Pick a favourite trail or explore a new scenic route, 45 minutes or longer.

❤️ Zone 1 (Long Distance)

⭐️ Goal: Develop aerobic energy metabolism via increased mitochondrial and capillary density.

✅ Instructions: Cover distance using a mode you enjoy at a pace which you can hold a conversation.
Duration Range: 45 – 75 minutes to start. Feel free to extend this duration if you have the available time.

*Remember to adjust the Planned Duration (time) on the workout card based on how long you train.

Workout Resources:

🎥 Zone 1 intensity effort video from coach Dasha

Zone 1 Guidelines