Day 2 – Zone 2

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Today’s workout is a Zone 1-2 contrast workout. Today’s workout goal is to build awareness and understanding around these different training Zones. 

People struggle to gauge zones 1 and 2 and there isn’t a bright line between them. It’s normal to drift between zones 1 and 2 on hilly trails. One of the big differences between professional skiers and masters skiers is the preference for zone 1 or zone 2. Masters athletes tend to spend more time in Zone 2.

Professional skiers prefer Zone 1 because it gives similar training effect but doesn’t overly tire them for their harder workouts. The hard, interval workouts (Zones 3, 4 and sprinting) are the “money” workouts and you want to have lots of energy for them.

Be careful of Zone 3 creep! Today’s workout should feel easier than yesterday’s.

About Zone 2

We like to call Zone 2 “TECHNIQUE ZONE” – where you learn and hone better ski technique and naturally ski a bit faster. For skiers who like to race, they might recognize Zone 2 as their speed in 50km+ race distances.

You’re in Zone 2 when:

  • Your breathing is noticeably elevated.
  • You can carry a conversation, but it feels strained.
  • Watch my Zone 2 demo video [30 sec]

Why Zone 2? You will learn how to control speed across the duration of an effort, when the tendency can be to slow down or to speed up.

Workout Instructions

DAY 2: Zone 2 Contrast Repeats

❤️ Zone 2 contrast repeats. Be mindful of Zone 3 creep!

⭐️ Goal: Learn to control speed across the duration of an effort, when the tendency can be to slow down or to speed up.

✅ Instructions:

🔷 15 mins low Zone 1 warm up

🔷 4 x 2 min repeats in Zone 2. This should feel faster than your warm up but slower pace than yesterday.

🔷 10 mins cool down

Your choice of workout mode. (ski striding, skiing, running, mountain biking etc)

Workout Resources:

Zone 1 demo by Coach Dasha
Zone 2 demo by Coach Dasha

Zone 2 Guidelines