Day 1 – Zone 3

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Let’s go!

We use a 5 Training Zone system for optimal training results. Over the next 5 days, you’ll get a taste of all 5 zones. Today’s workout is a Zone 3 interval workout. Interval workouts alternate segments of work with recovery. The warm up, recovery and cool down parts of the workout are Zone 1.

This means you’ll learn two zones today:

  • Zone 1
  • Zone 3


Warm Up: 15 – 30 minutes
Work: 3 x 5 minute Zone 3 intervals, with 3 – 6 minute active rest between intervals.
Cool Down: 10 minutes, more or less as you wish.

Remember, you can do these workouts in any mode. Ski striding is a good option because it requires minimal equipment, is low impact and uses the whole body.

About Zone 1

The keyword for Zone 1 is DISTANCE; we do a lot of long training in this zone. You’re in Zone 1 if:

  • You are definitely exercising, but your breathing feels natural and easy.
  • You can hold a conversation.
  • Watch my Zone 1 demo video [1 min].

Why Zone 1? Zone 1 develops aerobic energy metabolism via increased mitochondrial and capillary density. It trains you to exercise for longer and prepares your cardio system for harder intensity.

About Zone 3

Zone 3 is MODERATE INTENSITY. This is often your “race pace”, that you can sustain for up to 1.5 hours, if you have to. You’re in Zone 3 if:

  • You are breathing hard, but not super hard.
  • You can speak in short sentences, with breaks to catch your breath.
  • Watch my Zone 3 demo video [1.5 min]

Why Zone 3? Zone 3 training improves VO2max and makes it easier to sustain a higher skiing pace for longer periods of time. Zone 3 training also burns more fat, and improves your psychological resilience.

Workout Details

DAY 1: Zone 3 Intervals: 3 x 5 min with 4 min rest

❤️ Zone 3 (Moderate Intensity)

⭐️ Goal: Sustain a steady race pace with minimal rest between intervals.

✅ Instructions:
*Note: Suitable session for a weight bearing mode (like running, ski walking, rollerskiing). If cycling, choose climbing terrain to ensure you stay in zone 3 (avoid long downhills within intervals).

🔷 Warm-up: 15-30 minutes (personalize this to your time availability and needs; you are looking for an elevated heart rate, warm muscles, and sweating).

🔷 Main Set: 3 x 5 mins at moderate Zone 3 intensity, with active rest between each for 3-6 mins or whatever time it takes you to return back to your starting position. You can choose to move back to your starting position during your recovery between the intervals. Pace these around 10 km effort for whichever mode you choose.

🔷 Cool-Down: 5-15 minutes very light exercise as needed to return to pre exercise baseline (gradually reduce pace to walking speed).

Workout Resources:

Zone 1 intensity demo video from Coach Dasha

Zone 3 intensity demo video from Coach Dasha

Ski running with poles – start at 13:20

Zone 1 Guidelines

Zone 3 Guidelines