Speed Zones

Goal:  Change techniques and speeds in defined zones marked by cones.  Help skiers learn control over acceleration.  

Players:  Any number

Equipment:  Flat stadium.  10 – 12 sets of cones.  Use poles or no poles. 

Setup:  Place two sets of cones across from each other at the start line.  Pair two more sets of cones down field approximately 12 feet.  Repeat with a third set and so forth while adding distance between each set of cones.   

Rules:  Students ski between sets of cones with a specific technique at slow speed.  With each set of cones they pass the skier picks up the pace or changes to a new technique appropriate to the speed.  

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank to all of the athletes from the Fondeurs Laurentides cross country ski club for their time and enthusiasm in participating in the creation of these videos, filmed in the Laurentians north of Montreal, Quebec.

Credits: This course was produced in partnership with Nordiq Canada and was filmed spring 2019 in Québec.

Coach: Stephen Novosad, Technical Coordinator, Coach Development, Nordiq Canada.