Jumping the Fence

Goal:  Skiers step or jump across a rope at intervals.

Players: 3 – 20

Equipment: Flat stadium, 6-10 cones, one or two long ropes.   

Setup:  Place cones in a line spaced apart by approximately 8’.  Place a rope parallel with the cones with enough space to allow skiers to jump back and forth.  To add difficulty place two ropes parallel to each other spaced apart fart enough to challenge skiers in jumping side to side. 

Rules:  Skiers start in a line, first skier skis to the first cone and either steps or jumps across the rope to ski on the other side.  As they reach each cone, they repeat to switch sides.  Skiers follow each other to the end.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank to all of the athletes from the Fondeurs Laurentides cross country ski club for their time and enthusiasm in participating in the creation of these videos, filmed in the Laurentians north of Montreal, Quebec.

Credits: This course was produced in partnership with Nordiq Canada and was filmed spring 2019 in Québec.

Coach: Stephen Novosad, Technical Coordinator, Coach Development, Nordiq Canada.